Designing a mini steam power plant as teaching aids / Muhamad Aidil Khairuddin

Khairuddin, Muhamad Aidil (2022) Designing a mini steam power plant as teaching aids / Muhamad Aidil Khairuddin. [Student Project] (Submitted)


The project is to design a mini steam power plant as a teaching aid. Steam power plants have been commonly used as an alternative to generating electricity. The project is a small low -cost small power plant designed for educational purposes. The problem faced by students is to understand the concept of steam that can produce electricity. This initiative aims to increase the accessibility of MEC251 students to the idea of the reproductive cycle. Therefore, the method used to solve this issue by producing inventions aims to determine the components, design, and build a mini prototype of a steam power plant suitable for use as educational material. Thus, the prototypes produced can enhance students. A literature review on mini steam power plants was done to get an idea about mini steam power plants. The findings obtained from the research are suitable materials to produce suitable prototypes and designs. The main focus of this project is to determine the material, design and fabrication of a mini prototype of a mini steam power plant. The purpose of the mini steam power plant is as a teaching tool to make it easier for students to understand the process that takes place. At the end of this project the prototype results of a mini steam power plant for educational purposes.


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