Analyzing beta state of brainwave using electroencephalography (EEG) and motion technology system / Eshamudin Abdullah

Abdullah, Eshamudin (2009) Analyzing beta state of brainwave using electroencephalography (EEG) and motion technology system / Eshamudin Abdullah. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).


The project focuses on analyzing the state of brainwaves using Motion Technology System and Electroencephalography (EEG). There are four types of brainwaves which are Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta that give four different characteristic and ranges of frequencies. This project consists of analyzing beta state of brainwaves using EEG and motion technology system. This project involves the sample brainwaves of 32 students during their study periods. This project must be done throughout the whole one semester starting beginning of semester until end of semester. The project also analyzes effect of motion technology on human brain. This effect can be analyzed by using EEG before and after using the motion technology system. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a study of changing electrical potential of the brain. The apparatus used to measure this electric potential of the brain is called electroencephalography and the tracing or the printout of the measured brainwave form is electroencephalogram. Motion Technology System is an advanced motion therapy technology designed and developed from high-tech research in neurophysiology. The essence of the system is practical and effective use of horizontal rotational motion and partial temporary sensory deprivation, in controlled process which is engineered to provide highly desirable results.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
Email / ID Num.
Abdullah, Eshamudin
Email / ID Num.
Thesis advisor
Abdul Rahman, Husna
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GN Anthropology > Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology
R Medicine > RC Internal Medicine > Neuroscience. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry > Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system. Including speech disorders
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Programme: Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (Hons.)
Keywords: Brainwave, technology, system
Date: 2009
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