The development of learning hand embroidery stitches using mobile application / Nur Atiqah Rustan

Rustan, Nur Atiqah (2015) The development of learning hand embroidery stitches using mobile application / Nur Atiqah Rustan. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).


Embroidery design is a field that works within the fashion design industry, slightly different with fashion design where embroidery is focusing on decorating fabrics by stitching an embroidery pattern using needle and threads. As the requirements of for this field increased, users faced problem of limited access of learning and materials. The beginner learners of this field also need to be exposed to the basic knowledge of hand stitches embroidery. The application of Learning Hand Embroidery Stitches using Mobile Application is an application that combining all of multimedia elements to make learning environment more interesting and enjoyable. This application will help user to learn various types of hand embroidery stitches. In addition, users also to be exposed to various types of tools used through the process of stitching and basic knowledge of it. As the application can be used by Android users, learning is convenient and can be done based on learner environment. Therefore, learner can improve their skills without any restraints within a short time. ADDIE method was used to have a clear overview through the process and clear picture of teaching and learning. Future works suggested are to use other platform for this Learning Hand Embroidery Stitches instead of Android application only and more varieties of contents for user to learn. Besides that, developer also might add more higher level difficulty stitches tutorial to the application. As a conclusion, users are able to learn hand embroidery stitch by themselves without being waste their money and time to attend the classes.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
Email / ID Num.
Rustan, Nur Atiqah
Email / ID Num.
Thesis advisor
Ahmad, Nor Diana
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Programme: Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons.)
Keywords: embroidery, stitches, mobile
Date: 2015
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