Togunggak as teaching materials in secondary school / Effie Erda Peter

Peter, Effie Erda (2017) Togunggak as teaching materials in secondary school / Effie Erda Peter. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


This study was conducted in Sabah, using the qualitative method an interview was being carried out in order to have the result of the study. Land below the wind or Sabah is known for its rich with a fortune of natural resources and distinctive cultural identities. With this fortune, there are various traditional music instruments from various tribe in Sabah that are yet to be discovered and one of the musie traditional that is nearly extinct is the togunggak. The purpose of this study is to find out the teaching approach using the Dusun traditional instruments that is the togunggak. In relation to this, this research is thus conducted in order to record and preserve the heritage to ensure it will be passed down to the next generations. Through this research it is hope that this instrument will be able to assist music teaching and thus preserving this instrument. The teaching method that was used is the rote approach, where the students learn by watching and listening to their teacher's playing. This traditional instrument has the potential to be one of the teaching materials in school because of its uniqueness. Other than that, the result of the study found that most of the teachers that using the togunggak as a teaching material had a positive feedback from their students.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Peter, Effie Erda
Subjects: M Music and Books on Music > M Music > Instrumental music
M Music and Books on Music > MT Musical instruction and study
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Music
Programme: Bachelor of Music Education (Hons.)
Keywords: Togunggak, teaching materials, secondary school
Date: January 2017
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