“Final Countdown Calendar” is a project that can help people especially students and lecturers to utilize time in a very efficient way by always being on track of time. These days, people are so busy with their daily activities that most of us keep on losing track of time and are not aware of what day, date and time they are in.
For this project, an Arduino Mega is used as the brain of the calendar. A series of coding that is sketched from the Arduino sketch is uploaded into the Arduino Mega. The calendar displays all the details such as the current day, date and time on a Liquid Crystal Display. It will also count the amount of days left until the final examination day.
When the counter has finished counting the days left until the day that has been set in the coding, the Liquid Crystal Display will still display the series of information, with some addition of seven (7) blinking Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and a buzzing buzzer.
Apart from using as a machine to counting days until final examination day, this prototype can also be used for some other occasion.
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