Lovetascarves / Nurul Jazmin Shamsudin

Shamsudin, Nurul Jazmin (2021) Lovetascarves / Nurul Jazmin Shamsudin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Lovetascarves is a retail type of business in business industry which selling a muslimah shawl to their customers. Our business offers an affordable price of shawl to our beloved customer by giving them a different type of shawl with different range of prices. Also, we frequently do a sale promotion and prepare a beautiful gift for every purchase to show our appreciation towards their support for our business.
Our target audience is a group of women and girl without any age focused and also a group of people who are looking for a shawl that is affordable and easy to wear with many different option of styling and design where they can choose according to their preferences.
Our business has registered with Go-Ecommerce website and has been approved, our business began to run on November 2019. We do not target any specific area of selling because our customer can be from anywhere around Malaysia. Currently, we are trying to find and hirer an agent from outside Malaysia such as Singapore and Indonesia because we have a high demand from that country to buy our shawl. Our product can be reach through online platform and also delivery to our customer house.
The marketing strategy that is use by Lovetascarves is social network and viral marketing. By doing this marketing strategy, more people will know about our product and increase the interest on our product. In addition, with viral marketing, we also build a relationship with our customer by hiring an artist to be our model and face that has good personality and low in negative gossip. This strategy will attract more customers’ attention as we value our customers’ satisfaction and wants.
At this moment, Lovetascarves is own by Nurul Jazmin Binti Shamsudin and has more than 100 workers including agent and drop shipper. Our business use Facebook page and as our platform for us to attract more online customer, gain more awareness and generate more sales at once. We will promote Lovetascarves business by doing a teaser post, soft sell and hard sell as our sale posting on Facebook.


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