Every morning before going to work or out of somewhere the main thing that need to do is watering the plants that are on the in front of home. Sometimes due to the busy daily life, planting has been forgotten. However, this process must be done so that the plants will grow to become high-quality plants. Water is the main source of life. We know that without water life cannot be survive. So, water is very important to us and other living things including plants. Plants need water. Without it plants will die because the water that involved in photosynthesis is not enough and plant cannot grow. The plants will remain longer if treated properly with watering it. Water is needed for photosynthesis because it is used to transpiration plants and hydration to a healthier plant. Low quantity of water will cause the stopped of process growth in plants. If the quantity water is excess, the plant can die.
Purpose for this study is to know the role of water as the advantages and disadvantages to the plants. Plants should be watered every day in the morning or evening to prevent soil from the dry. The soil should be kept moist so that plants grow freshly. Especially the plants in pot vases. Usually this type of plant can be placed in the courtyard or in the house. This type of plantation is very sensitive because if it is delayed to watering the plant it will wilt and die because the liquid in cell has been evaporated in the plants. On the other hand, if plants overflow with water it will cause damage to the roots due to the difficulty to breathe and rotten root. This plant is different with plant on soil. Even though this plant is lack of water it still can survives because that soil use had enough water.
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