GIE”S Online Store / Shamimi Izzati Mohd Sharif

Mohd Sharif, Shamimi Izzati (2021) GIE”S Online Store / Shamimi Izzati Mohd Sharif. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


GIE”S Online Store provide clothing services for their customers. Our business offers he affordable clothes to our beloved customer by giving them a variety of choices which including a colour, pattern with a different range of prices according to their demands. We also give them a guide and they can consult with us about their choice.
Our target customer and audiences are a group of people who is looking for clothes that no need to iron and comfortable to use in formal and not formal events. GIE”S Online Store specifically target toward woman who with busy life because of family and so on.
The marketing strategy for GIE”S Online Store more toward social media which is we promoted the Sabella product as a dropship. We help the product to be known in the media that will guarantee customer satisfaction.
At the moment GIE”S Online Store is under Shamimi Izzati and her assistant . We are using a Facebook page as a platform for attract a customer. GIE”S Online store will peomote by doing the teaser psot, soft sell and hard sell to promote the peoducts.


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