Aurumie Scarves / Nor Anisa Nordin

Nordin, Nor Anisa (2021) Aurumie Scarves / Nor Anisa Nordin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Aurumie Scarves provides many kinds of scarves for their customers. Our business offers affordable scarves to our beloved customers by giving them a different kind of scarves with different range of prices. Also, we served our customer with a free of charge consultation for them to chat with us regarding the details of our product and what is suitable scarves for them.
Our target audience is a group of women especially who are looking different kind of scarves at low cost and affordable. Aurumie Scarves also targeting teenagers who are want to be fashionable yet simple because our scarves have many choices of beautiful colour especially for teenagers and adult too.
We do not target any specific area because our customers can be from anywhere as long as they are seeking for our scarves. Our business can be done and deal online since we do not own any store yet. We also think that online business is more easier for our customer from all over Malaysia.
At the moment, Aurumie Scarves only owned and work by Nor Anisa Binti Nordin. Our business also uses Facebook page as a platform for us to attract our customers, give more awareness and generate more sales at once. We will promote Aurumie Scarves by doing teaser post, soft sell post and hard sell post as our sale postings on Facebook to promote our services


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