Panasonic Corporation / Nurul Huda Darvina Haidzir

Haidzir, Nurul Huda Darvina (2022) Panasonic Corporation / Nurul Huda Darvina Haidzir. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Panasonic is an international branded company that is very well known in the production of electrical goods. Under this brand, various types of electrical goods such as televisions, radios, irons, DVD players, fans and more have been produced and sold all over the world. Through the analysis from this company, the wall fan product (F-MU408) has been given focus to be analysed, studied, investigated and identified together related to the current problem and find a solution from the problem. The first problem of this product is lack of innovation and creativity in an effort to bring innovation to their products. For example, they use 3 plastic blades that have various disadvantages. The use of a 3 -pin plug used to connect the power supply to high -powered electrical equipment should be given attention. Next, the other problems of this product is contains defects from the manufacturing aspect. The last disadvantage of this product is in terms of the design of this fans. Design is very influential in a product. Consumers are very concerned in terms of choosing the type of design available. The consumers will definitely choose a new design and also has a variety of functions. This product still uses the old design that has been used decades ago. The design of this wall fan affects the installation of the fan frame which needs to open a very tight clip in order to carry out the fan cleaning process. The solution for this problem by use a portable control (remote) to make it easier for users to control the speed level and timer to controls the use of electricity for this product. The next solutions are to perform strict quality inspections and controls before they market the product to customers. Inspections must be scheduled at least once a month to maintain and repair any machine damage. Panasonic also should hire more quality control staffs to check the goodness of products without any defects to be sold to customers. All of these solutions are considered to assist Panasonic in producing quality products to be served to their customers.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
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Haidzir, Nurul Huda Darvina
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
T Technology > T Technology (General) > Industrial research. Research and development
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Keywords: Panasonic Corporation ; Wall Fan Product ; Old Design
Date: 14 April 2022
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