AngelaFairy smart recommendation skincare mobile application with Artificial Intelligence [A1] And Augmented Reality [AR] / Muhamad Syahidan Mukhtar

Mukhtar, Muhamad Syahidan and Nasharuddin, Naily Nazlin and Nik Mood, Nik Nurhafidzzah and Mohd Razi, Nurul Syahirah and Kamaruddin, Nurul Umaira (2022) AngelaFairy smart recommendation skincare mobile application with Artificial Intelligence [A1] And Augmented Reality [AR] / Muhamad Syahidan Mukhtar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


There has been tremendous growth in the use of mobile phones in the world today. The mobile application always plays big roles when people can surf, manage, and do any task at their fingertips. Nowadays, many people are struggling to find suitable skincare for their skin thorugh online. In order to solve the problem, AngelaFairy Smart Recommendation Skincare Mobile Application with Artifical Intelligent (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) is application that provides the features of AI to analyze the customers’ skin type and AR to help them view and imagine the aftereffect of using a particular product. Then, the application provides the details description for each of the skincare products to help them to know more about the products. In addition, the application provides skincare consultation by renowned dermatologists so that it will give guidance to the customers to choose the most suitable skincare products based on their skin condition. Furthermore, the application also allows them to purchase their skincare products within the application.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Mukhtar, Muhamad Syahidan
Nasharuddin, Naily Nazlin
Nik Mood, Nik Nurhafidzzah
Mohd Razi, Nurul Syahirah
Kamaruddin, Nurul Umaira
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Business
T Technology > T Technology (General) > Industrial research. Research and development
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Skinare Mobile Application ; Skincare Product ; Details Description
Date: 21 February 2022
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