NEFA Bridal Boutique is our company name. It's chosen and made from the name of partnership is this business. Which is N for Naimie, E for Ewenah, F for Fatin Liyana and A for Allyzana. Bridal Boutique is define as our business is concern more about wedding services and products and have own design on wedding gown that's based on modern and traditional stylish.
This boutique is lead by General Manager which is also the Administration Manager, Marketing Manager, Operational Manager, Designer, and staffs. Each of them has difference task and responsibility. Therefore, with has this person in business will manage this business proposal run sistematically with the plan has been planned. We as a partnership in this business will give totally effort for make sure this business successful as our dreams will be come true.
As we all are women in this business partnership, members, we decide to establish bridal boutique as our business as nowadays, all ladies will become a bride, we want they have a sweet and lovely memorable that can be remember for the whole life with their partner. Bride and groom always want the best for their wedding. Therefore, we provide a services and products for fulfill their wants.
We all believe that our business will have festivity as Sabah nowadays the population are growing increase and the demands also will increase as possible. From that's way we will gain profits and will more expanding through in Sabah, Sarawak, and Peninsular Malaysia.
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