Technology Entrepreneurship Project (ENT 600) : Midea / Nurul Huda Zainol

Zainol, Nurul Huda (2021) Technology Entrepreneurship Project (ENT 600) : Midea / Nurul Huda Zainol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


This case study is focusing on home technology appliance product business that was run by a Midea Company and I focus on Vacuum product. Midea is a company that produce and invented wide range of electronic products that focused on compact appliance for home. This company is known worldwide especially in China. For the first part of this case study, all general and useful information about Midea was collected and gathered from online source that include company background, strategies, the products and much more. Then this case study also contains organizational structure, services, products problems that company face which I have to solve by doing this case study. From my findings by analysing SWOT of this company, I identify that there are many problems that Midea Company have been facing that can be related to theory and concept of lecture study that need some improvement. Besides, problems that this company facing in term of their weakness that I can determined by observing the product’s review and article from website. There are four major problems which is the size of vacuum, no multi-surfaces functional, noisy operation and wired power connection. Thus, in this case study, I suggest the best solution and recommendation in order to help resolve some problems faced by the product of Midea Company based on their customer needs and demands. This recommendation was made by analysing the problems, weakness, strength, opportunity and threat of the company that may help in reducing the risk that they may face if not being improve. The recommendation that we have found that should be done to improve the company include change the bagged vacuum into upright vacuum because it is smaller in size, make it multi-functional surfaces vacuum, add on mute mode when in use and use solar based system for it to function.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Zainol, Nurul Huda
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Business
T Technology > T Technology (General) > Industrial research. Research and development
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Keywords: Midea ; Vacuum Product ; Bagged Vacuum ; Solar Based System
Date: 22 June 2021
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