ENT 530 Social Media Portfolio: Haziqah Wawacosmetics / Siti Nur Haziqah Shawalludin

Shawalludin, Siti Nur Haziqah (2020) ENT 530 Social Media Portfolio: Haziqah Wawacosmetics / Siti Nur Haziqah Shawalludin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


This written report is about social media portfolio on Facebook page that created by me for marketing purpose to do promoting for my product. The main purpose to do this written report on social media portfolio is to show all the copy writing on the social media in promoting my product by using Facebook page platform. In this written report also will be stated about my background business and my other business profile that I do for this assignment.
Furthermore, there are four types of posting that I will show in this report which is teaser, hard sell, soft sell, and frequency posting for my product. This social media portfolio is more detail in describing my business profile such as product description and product price.
As a student, I join Wawa Cosmetics team as agent to sell and promote Wawa’s product to customer. Usually, I will get the information of the product from my team leader and from that information I will spread about the product to customers and do sales. After I get order from customer, I will notify my leader to proceed the order and delivery to customer. From the sale that I did I will get my commission.
From the business name “Haziqah_wawacosmetics” is combination of my name and Wawa cosmetics. This is because in there are many people join to be Wawa Cosmestics team so by using my own name, it will be easier for people recognize me. Therefore, in this written report I will shows more detail about my copy writing in promoting the product.


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