ENT 530 Social Media Portfolio: Jack Black Beard Oil Malaysia / Muhamad Azim Suhaimi

Suhaimi, Muhamad Azim (2021) ENT 530 Social Media Portfolio: Jack Black Beard Oil Malaysia / Muhamad Azim Suhaimi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Jack Black Beard Oil Malaysia is our company name and our trademark is “Beard Care for Men”. The main objective of our company is to provide premium products for beard care for men and to offer variety of products regarding to beard care. Jack Black is a company that located in United States of America and we also want to introduce these products in Malaysia. Jack Black products got their own reputation in their country which is United States. We would like to become provider of these products for Malaysians men that concern to their beard growth and want to keep their beard as stunning and neat as before. Our target customer is group of men in range of 25-50 age.


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