Electrical energy audit of double storey residential buildings in Shah Alam / Ida Rahayu Abu Bakar

Abu Bakar, Ida Rahayu (2008) Electrical energy audit of double storey residential buildings in Shah Alam / Ida Rahayu Abu Bakar. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


Electrical energy audit study is preparing the questionnaire and performs this in residential buildings. This study also to identify the electrical energy consumption was selected in Shah Alam. Three houses were selected in Section 24, and another three houses in TTDI were audited from 22 February 2008 to 29 March 2008. These houses are same double storey link houses, number of occupant between 3 to 9 people and middle income family. The data was collected about two weeks for three houses in Section 24 and another 2 weeks for TTDI. Data was collected from meeting with the -owner by interview questionnaire. This questionnaire includes family background, daily family routine and electrical appliances that were used for the every day or week. Electrical bills for a few months were recorded for comparison with the calculation. After interview, data for the houses were collected for example, house description, number of room, area and color of houses and the photo was captured for each space in the houses. To complete the data, the owner agree give the all missing data in the next meeting. Data were process in the 'Microsoft excel' to calculate the energy consumption in the house. The energy in the house was divided b cooling (aircond and fan), general lighting, and electrical appliances. The results show electrical appliances is the higher usage, followed by cooling and general lighting that were used in double story residential buildings in Shah Alam. From this project, load apportioning for each energy usage in the house can identify. Besides that, the users better information about the energy saving measures.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Abu Bakar, Ida Rahayu
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > Electricity and magnetism
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Programme: Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Physics
Keywords: Electrical energy audit study, Data, Calculation
Date: 2008
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/44510
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