Pet’s Care Hotel Centre System (PeCHoCs) / Nabihah Yusof

Yusof, Nabihah (2017) Pet’s Care Hotel Centre System (PeCHoCs) / Nabihah Yusof. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.


Nowadays, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the important elements that must be applied in reservation system; interaction between customer and management. Usually, MBK Pet and Grooming use the manual method to handle and manage the reservation record and report. The current process leads to many problems which are; time consuming, using overload paper based and most of all there are barriers and limitation in communication between customer and the business. Pet’s Care Hotel Centre System (PeCHoCs) is a project that is developed for MBK Pet and Grooming company to ease and improve the old method which is manual system to manage and handle all related to customers, reservations, and others. The methodology that used to develop the system is Adapted Waterfall Model. The evaluation has been conducted based on the 30 questionnaires. An additional, the respondents satisfied the system and said the system can improved the old method. After make the respondent analysis, the highest mean is based on user feedback which is focus on user satisfaction (Mean=4.39, SD=0.61). The future enhancement for this project is users not wasting their time, not using papers, and many mores. .In conclusion, the PeCHoCs system can give more advantages to users and can contribute more in this evolving for better pet hotel reservation system.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
Email / ID Num.
Yusof, Nabihah
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Thesis advisor
Samsudin, Norlela
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > Instruments and machines > Electronic Computers. Computer Science > Operating systems (Computers)
Q Science > QA Mathematics > Instruments and machines > Electronic Computers. Computer Science > Database management
Q Science > QA Mathematics > Instruments and machines > Electronic Computers. Computer Science > Interactive computer systems
Q Science > QA Mathematics > Web databases
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu > Kuala Terengganu Campus > Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Programme: Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons.) Business Computing
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management ; Reservation System ; Pet’s Care Hotel Centre System
Date: January 2017
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