Stainless Coffee Maker Travel Bottle - CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd / Nadhirah Izzati Razali

Razali, Nadhirah Izzati (2020) Stainless Coffee Maker Travel Bottle - CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd / Nadhirah Izzati Razali. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Our business name is CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd. Why we choose this name is because our product concept are based on coffee product which is stainless coffee maker travel bottle. Using the stainless bottle it will not harm the users as it cold outside for holding the bottle if the coffee inside was hot. CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd is a partnership company located at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. We use the location because it is in city area and near to industrial area. The opening ceremony of the company is being launched by General Manager of the company. The name of our product is Stainless coffee maker travel bottle. Nowadays, people desires for something fast, convenience and simple. As many years have passed by, the lifestyle is still changing as people seem to have first-class lifestyle which prioritizes the practice of cleanliness in everyday life.
Most of coffee lovers complain about their coffee maker as most of the design out there are to complicated and taking so much time to prepare the coffee. So we looks up for market demand and producing new product that can help them to keep it simple and convenience. As our product trend is very convenient, we target to all Malaysians coffee lovers from various category such as students, employees, travellers and old adult. CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd offers the best price for our product with Rm55.00 each. With the technology provided, this price is suitable and affordable to all Malaysians.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Razali, Nadhirah Izzati
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > Business
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Seremban Campus > Faculty of Sport Science and Recreation
Keywords: Stainless Coffee Maker, Travel Bottle, CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd, ENT600
Date: 2020
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