Web based application for low-cost food tourism in Perlis / Amir Farhan Saupi

Saupi, Amir Farhan (2019) Web based application for low-cost food tourism in Perlis / Amir Farhan Saupi. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi Mara Perlis.


The rise of the experience economy has ushered in a growing role for food experience
in tourism. This review of recent developments in the field of food and tourism
experiences underlines the ways in which food experiences can be adapted to meet
tourist needs, how it can play a role in local development, create new tourism
products, stimulate innovation and support marketing and branding. Nowadays low-cost
food tourism sector is considered to be one of the most important sectors of
tourism. Low-cost food usually operated and works out by local people which have
lower financial income to start a business. The low-cost food sector is becoming a
valuable part of tourism. Despite on this, this paper presents an explanatory study of
using Network Analyst operation and develops a web-based application for low-cost
food tourism. The low-cost food location usually scattered and by using Network
Analyst, it can identify the location and can provide it the best route to it location. The
result of this study explained how network analyst can help to improve the low-cost
food tourism and provide a web-based application for tourism marketing.


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