A web based fuzzy expert system for diagnosis level of dyslexia / Noor Safura Othman

Othman, Noor Safura (2006) A web based fuzzy expert system for diagnosis level of dyslexia / Noor Safura Othman. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.


Dyslexia means a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning
to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and
sociocultural opportunity. It affect large portion of population in Malaysia but it is still
not known. If dyslexia is not detected at early stages it will be hard for the dyslexic to
survive. A web based Fuzzy Inference System was developed to aid in the diagnosis of
dyslexia level for ages 7 to 12 years old. The system will produce the level of dyslexia
for a person from test conducted through the system. The Mamdani fiizzy model has
been employed to implement the inference system. The criteria of fuzzy input make it
useful in determining the level of dyslexia. From testing that has been done, it was found
that the system can produce accurate and appropriate result. It can be said that the
system have the capability to replace the expert or provide assistance to other tutor when
expert not available. The system meets its objective to give user information of the level
of dyslexia they faces. It can be concluded that fiizzy logic is a suitable approach for this
type of problem.

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