User acceptance toward mobile technology in healthcare / Bibiana Jikisai

Jikisai, Bibiana (2005) User acceptance toward mobile technology in healthcare / Bibiana Jikisai. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


The explosion of mobile communication and computing technologies in supporting
highly specialized task and services in healthcare has made it increasingly important to
identify the level of acceptance among healthcare practitioners and factors that may be
influencing the level of their acceptance. The wide adoption of mobile technology can
potentially improve the information access, enhance workflow and promote evidencebased
practice to make informed and effective decisions at the point of care.
This study will present the level of healthcare practitioners' acceptance toward the use of
mobile technology in healthcare services. Other than that, this study also discussed about
the benefits that gained by implementation of mobile technology in healthcare and what
will influence the level of their acceptance. This study will use the extended TAM
recommended by Wu, Wang and Lin (2005) in identifying the level of user acceptance.
The result shows that compatibility and computer self-efficiency have significant effect
on behavioral intent. There will be 4 factors that may influence the level of user
acceptance which are, technical support and training, management support,
compatibility and computer self-efficiency. Among these factors, compatibility has the
strongest relationship to the behavioral intention.

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