Neuro cognitive tracking and corrective action: a way forward in academic performance / Norlaila Abdullah, Suria Fadhillah Md Pauzi and Faizah Azam Ahmad

Abdullah, Norlaila and Md Pauzi, Fadhillah and Ahmad, Faizah Azam (2013) Neuro cognitive tracking and corrective action: a way forward in academic performance / Norlaila Abdullah, Suria Fadhillah Md Pauzi and Faizah Azam Ahmad. Social and Management Research Journal (SMRJ), 10 (1). pp. 117-136. ISSN 1675-7017


The problem of a high performance gap among accounting students in the Faculty of Accountancy of the Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang does exist. The findings indicated that 64% of diploma and 75% bachelor students have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of below 3.00 (the equivalent grade of B); a gap does exist if measured against the university academic quality standard. Few critical factors were identified, such as poor cognitive
skills, lecturers’ level of preparations and suitable teaching methods to influence students’ academic performance. A creative and innovative teaching and learning method, Neuro Cognitive Tracking and Corrective
Action (NCTCA) computerized system, has been introduced, implemented and tested. The results indicated that the number of students having GPA of below 3.00 was reduced to 34% and 35% for diploma and bachelor students respectively due to improved cognitive skills. Improvements in cognitive
skills for diploma students were knowledge (68%), comprehension (71%), and application (68%) or an average performance gap of 31%, while the bachelor students’ cognitive levels were comprehension (74%), application
(70%) and analysis (69%), with an average of 29% as compared to the earlier non-NCTCA phase. This study concludes that when student cognitive skill acquisitions are high, this could result in better GPAs and ultimately
decreases the performance gap.


Item Type: Article
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Abdullah, Norlaila
Md Pauzi, Fadhillah
Ahmad, Faizah Azam
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > Teaching (Principles and practice)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > Higher Education
L Education > LG Individual institutions > Asia > Malaysia > Universiti Teknologi MARA > Pahang
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Research Management Centre (RMC)
Journal or Publication Title: Social and Management Research Journal (SMRJ)
UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Social and Management Research Journal (SMRJ)
ISSN: 1675-7017
Volume: 10
Number: 1
Page Range: pp. 117-136
Keywords: Performance gap, academic quality standard, cognitive skills, creative and innovative teaching method, neuro cognitive tracking and corrective action
Date: June 2013
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