Home medication review in patient with psychiatric illness: what are the identified drug related problems? / Nur Jannah Jawani Ibrahim

Ibrahim, Nur Jannah Jawani (2013) Home medication review in patient with psychiatric illness: what are the identified drug related problems? / Nur Jannah Jawani Ibrahim. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Puncak Alam).


Drug-related problems (DRPs) are common in patients who involved in Home Medication Review (HMR). The objectives of this study are to characterize the DRPs experienced by patient with psychiatric illness in HMR service and to describe the HMR pharmacist's interventions and outcomes for identified DRP. A total of 54 subjects were included in the present study. Data was collected retrospectively by reviewing the HMR document. Out of 54 subjects, a total of 70 DRPs were identified. The DRPs were classified based on Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) classification. Adverse reactions (non-allergic) was reported as the most prevalent DRPs (32; 45.7%), followed by untreated condition (17; 24.3%) and effect of drug treatment not optimal (8; 11.4%). The major causes of these DRPs were inappropriate drug ( 14; 20% ), followed by twelve ( 17 .1 % ) patients forgot to use or take the drug as well as synergistic or preventive drug required and not given (11; 15.7%). Pharmacist intervened on the identified DRPs by mainly spoken to family member or caregiver (15; 21.4%), providing patient (medication) counseling (13; 18.6%) and referring patient to prescriber (12; 17.1%). Forty three (61.4%) of the identified DRPs was totally solved followed by 7 (10%) with not known outcome. Also, 5 (7.1 %) problems were not solved due to lack of patient cooperation. In conclusion, the pharmacist plays a vital role in the HMR service for patient with mental illness by identifying and managing DRPs among patients.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
Email / ID Num.
Ibrahim, Nur Jannah Jawani
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Thesis advisor
Soh, Yee Chang
Subjects: R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology > Drugs prescribing
R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology > Drugs and their actions
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor > Puncak Alam Campus > Faculty of Pharmacy
Programme: Bachelor of Pharmacy
Keywords: home medication, psychiatric illness, drug
Date: 2013
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/109499
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