Preserving freshness: alternative collection bags for extended leaf longevity in Solanaceae explants for in-vitro culture / Nursuria Md Setamam and Norrizah Jaafar Sidik

Md Setamam, Nursuria and Jaafar Sidik, Norrizah (2025) Preserving freshness: alternative collection bags for extended leaf longevity in Solanaceae explants for in-vitro culture / Nursuria Md Setamam and Norrizah Jaafar Sidik. Scientific Research Journal, 22: 5. pp. 73-90. ISSN 1675-7009


This study aims to determine the most effective sampling bag method to enhance sustainability by reducing contamination while preventing necrosis emergence faster during Solanaceae leaf samples (Capsicum frutescens and Solanum lycopersicum) long-distance collection for in vitro culture (IVC). By incorporating a 15% hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) as the initial pre-sterilization step, two types of sample bags, normal seal (NS) bags, and vacuum seal bags were evaluated based on their impact on sample viability and contamination control. The findings reveal that vacuum-sealed bags, especially those with low vacuum action (VSL), significantly extend the days of contamination and necrosis emergence during explant storage compared to NS bags and significantly prolonged the day for contamination, disregarding sample age during the IVC stage. Statistical analyses also confirm significant differences in contamination rates, necrosis, and leaf longevity between bag types and the presence of pre-sterilization methods for better outcomes. These results highlight the importance of revolutionary changes in how the IVC sample should be conducted when sampling to improve IVC success and give it better chances in future IVC and agricultural research.


Item Type: Article
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Md Setamam, Nursuria
Jaafar Sidik, Norrizah
Subjects: S Agriculture > SB Plant culture
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Journal or Publication Title: Scientific Research Journal
UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Scientific Research Journal (SRJ)
ISSN: 1675-7009
Volume: 22
Page Range: pp. 73-90
Keywords: Vacuum Seal Bags; In-vitro Culture Contamination;Necrosis; Capsicum Frutescens Leaf; Solanum Lycopersicum Leaf
Date: January 2025
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