Increasing on housing demand: effect on price and the environment / Muhammad Izzuddin Maula Yussman

Maula Yussman, Muhammad Izzuddin (2012) Increasing on housing demand: effect on price and the environment / Muhammad Izzuddin Maula Yussman. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


Nowadays, housing is a universal problem because it’s a vital need to every human being. Malaysia has made great strides in meeting the basic needs and wants of its citizens in ration to housing. Housing demand continues to increase from time to time. As a result, it affects housing prices and the environment. Malaysia has experienced significant price growth every year and grows at high rates. In addition, to meet housing demand, there are many new housing developments built in the city is rapidly developing to meet the demand for housing and this development affects the environment. The objectives of this research are to investigate the factors contributing to the hike in housing price, identify the issues and problems that occur in housing development, and the effects of the construction industry on the environment in residential areas. The objective of this study was achieved through research from various sources such as textbooks, journals, and etc that related to this research and this research was supported by questionnaire and informal interviews. From the investigation and research that has been made, this research shows that the increasing of housing demand can cause house prices to be very high because the value of the land itself and the limited area to develop residential areas. Increased demand for housing can also affect the environmental impacts of new housing development that could lead to natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and so forth.


Item Type: Student Project
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Maula Yussman, Muhammad Izzuddin
Email / ID Num.
Abdullah, Ahmad Sharim
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > Land use > Real estate business. Real property > Valuation. Including the appraisal of land and buildings
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying
Programme: Bachelor of Building Surveying (Hons)
Keywords: Housing demand, price, environment, effect
Date: 2012
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