Exploring interactive and interactional metadiscourse in expository writings of ESL hard science and soft learners/ Masliza Mat Zali ... [et al.]

Mat Zali, Masliza and Abdul Rahman, Nurul Ajleaa and Setia, Roszainora and ., Ana (2024) Exploring interactive and interactional metadiscourse in expository writings of ESL hard science and soft learners/ Masliza Mat Zali ... [et al.]. Borneo Akademika, 8 (2). pp. 116-129. ISSN 2735-2250


The coherence of an essay is maintained with interactive and interactional metadiscourse (MD). Writing involves one-way interaction between the writer and reader, making it difficult for Second Language (L2) learners to compose effectively and thoroughly. Furthermore, students have a limited understanding of MD markers and prefer to exclusively employ specific MD markers, such as transition markers and self-mentions, in their writing. The study aims to find out if learners in different course groups employ different MD types, different MD features, or the same amount of MD features across the two groups. This study evaluates interactive and interactional MD markers in 40
expository essays authored by ESL learners from hard and soft science courses using Hyland's MD table (2005). Data collected was charted and transferred into frequency and percentage. The two groups, hard science and soft science used different materials in varying amounts and varieties. Soft science learners generated more MD features for interactive and interactional MD. They were more interpretative, whereas hard science learners were assertive in their writing and produced fewer MD features for both MD types. The study provides insight into improving students' awareness and use of MD, thereby enhancing their writing performance.


Item Type: Article
Email / ID Num.
Mat Zali, Masliza
Abdul Rahman, Nurul Ajleaa
Setia, Roszainora
., Ana
Subjects: Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > Z Book (General). Writing. Paleography. Book industries and trade. Libraries. Bibliography > Books (General). Writing. Paleography
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sabah > Kota Kinabalu Campus
Journal or Publication Title: Borneo Akademika
UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Borneo Akademika (BA)
ISSN: 2735-2250
Volume: 8
Number: 2
Page Range: pp. 116-129
Keywords: ESL learners; Expository writing; Interactional metadiscourse; Interactive Metadiscourse
Date: December 2024
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/108306
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