Factors that contribute to the reluctance of public servants in Sarawak to communicate in english / EdaSuraya Sahari and Nursyarfa Ashari

Sahari, EdaSuraya and Ashari, Nursyarfa (2011) Factors that contribute to the reluctance of public servants in Sarawak to communicate in english / EdaSuraya Sahari and Nursyarfa Ashari. [Research Reports] (Submitted)


This chapter focuses on the introduction of research topic that has been chosen. The topic of our research is factor’s that contribute to the reluctance of the public servants in Sarawak to communicate in English. English is spoken as a second or foreign language by an estimated 950 million people worldwide (Saville-Troike, 2006). This is in addition to the 427 million native speakers of English. By these statements we can say that English is become a dominant language around the world. English is also regard as a language which connects one nation to another. Other than that, this chapter provides the information regarding the study that need to be done. This chapter will explained more about the objectives, problem statement, research questions, and significance ofthe study and also scope ofthe study.


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