Chief Minister’s Department / Noor Azyra Sabri

Sabri, Noor Azyra (2013) Chief Minister’s Department / Noor Azyra Sabri. Industrial Training. University Technology MARA Sarawak. (Submitted)


Sarawak Civil service was first known as Sarawak Administrative Service (SAS) established by James Brooke when he was given the territory of Sarawak in 1841. In1842, James Brooke proclaimed Source: http://www jkm Sarawak gov my/moduIe s/web/page php?d=127&menuJd=0 &sub_id=143 Rajah of Sarawak. Introduced by Rajah James Brooke Sarawak administration depicts from European style of administration originated from formation of Sarawak Administrative service and the selection of officers were mainly from Brooke relatives and colleagues. Two departments
that were established in 1864 arenPost Office and Treasury department with a number of staff by onlym4 Europeans and 2 Malays (Chief Minister's Department)


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