Management challenges faced by women microentrepreneurs participating in the government guaranteed microfinance scheme in Indonesia / Prakarsa Panjinegara, Farah Aida Ahmad Nadzri and Sharifah Norzehan Syed Yusuf

Panjinegara, Prakarsa and Ahmad Nadzri, Farah Aida and Syed Yusuf, Sharifah Norzehan (2024) Management challenges faced by women microentrepreneurs participating in the government guaranteed microfinance scheme in Indonesia / Prakarsa Panjinegara, Farah Aida Ahmad Nadzri and Sharifah Norzehan Syed Yusuf. Management and Accounting Review (MAR), 23 (2): 2. pp. 21-40. ISSN 2550-1895


This study explored the intricacies of the Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program in Indonesia, a government-guaranteed microfinance scheme designed to promote economic growth and empower Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) to reduce poverty and promote women empowerment. The KUR program has faced the free-rider issue and misconceptions due to its perceived nature as direct government aid without requisite obligations. This study found five main challenges that may impede the effectiveness of the KUR program based on the qualitative research conducted through interview with 15 less successful women microentrepreneurs under this program. The challenges involved unsuitable financing schemes, insufficient management training for recipients, diversion of microfinancing for personal use, insufficient allocation of fund, and lack of savings. This study demonstrated how these challenges had negatively impacted the business performance of the participants interviewed, demonstrating cases of “latent failure” as suggested by the free-rider theory, where some participants kept borrowing and repaying loans despite underperformance. The findings emphasized the importance of having a detailed understanding the operations of the KUR program and implementing specific actions to improve its efficiency and enhance its impact of promoting sustainable economic growth and empowerment of women microentrepreneurs in Indonesia.


Item Type: Article
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Panjinegara, Prakarsa
Ahmad Nadzri, Farah Aida
Syed Yusuf, Sharifah Norzehan
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HG Finance > Microfinance
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Accounting Research Institute (ARI)
Journal or Publication Title: Management and Accounting Review (MAR)
UiTM Journal Collections: Listed > Management & Accounting Review (MAR)
ISSN: 2550-1895
Volume: 23
Number: 2
Page Range: pp. 21-40
Keywords: Women Microentrepreneurs, Government-Guaranteed Microfinance Scheme, Free-Rider, Management Challenges, Kredit Usaha Rakyat
Date: August 2024
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