The conservation value of Annah Rais Longhouse and hot springs, at Kota Padawan, Sarawak / Justina Kutok

Kutok, Justina (2018) The conservation value of Annah Rais Longhouse and hot springs, at Kota Padawan, Sarawak / Justina Kutok. Industrial Training. University Technology MARA Sarawak. (Submitted)


Borneo is the third largest island in the world with total area 287,001 sq mi or 743,330 km sq which makes it almost the same to the size of New Guinea. Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia with a total area of 124, 450 km2 that is 37.5% of Malaysia area. Sarawak is separated from Kalimantan Borneo by ranges of high hills and mountains that are part of the central mountains range of Borneo. In 2016, there are 26.76 million of visitor who visited to Malaysia, while in Sarawak there are 17% (4.66 million) of visitors. In Sarawak, it has the oldest of Bidayuh’s longhouse known as Annah Rais Longhouse which located in Kota Padawan at about 70km away from Kuching City. The Annah Rais Longhouse is at the foothill of Borneo Highlands near the mountains marking the border to Kalimantan. It is an old Annah Rais Longhouse and the houses over 80 families. The villager still practice the way of longhouse’s living. The villagers carry out daily activities such as plant paddy, pepper, rubber and other for the purpose of self-sufficiency. Annah Rais Longhouse has become a homestay and it is the only one of the remaining bidayuh longhouse in Kuching where the visitors can stay and experience the way Bidayuh living. The total of visitors that visited to Annah Rais Longhouse in 2016 is 12,870. All the visitors who visit or stay at Annah Rais Longhouse will be greet with their traditional drink namely ‘Tuak’ or known as rice
wine. This traditional drink is a type of alcohol which is made from distilled rice.


Item Type: Monograph (Industrial Training)
Email / ID Num.
Kutok, Justina
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) > Study and teaching. Research
Journal or Publication Title: The conservation value of Annah Rais Longhouse and hot springs, At Kota Padawan, Sarawak / Justina Kutok
Keywords: conservation, longhouse, springs
Date: 2018
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