Items where Subject is "Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- N Fine Arts (1)
- NK Decorative arts (2)
- Decoration and ornament. Design (4)
- Other arts and art industries (4)
- Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials (4)
- Malaysia (4)
- Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials (4)
- Other arts and art industries (4)
- Decoration and ornament. Design (4)
- NK Decorative arts (2)
- N Fine Arts (1)
Evoke emotion through typography / Muhammad Hadi Anuar. (2020) Journal of Art and Design (REKA), 2. pp. 20-22. ISSN 2600-7878V
Conference or Workshop Item
Qur’an and splendor of Islamic calligraphy: development of Iranian calligraphy under influence of Qur’an transcribing / Mahdi Sahragard. (2015) In: 1st International Islamic Heritage Conference (ISHEC) 2015, 11-12 November 2015, Hotel Mahkota, Melaka.
Persona komunikasi tipografi di dalam artifak kartografi / Wan Juria Emeih Wahed dan Ridzuan Hussin. (2016) In: Empowering Local Mind In Art Design & Cultural Herritage 3rd ISME International Colloquium 2016, 27 & 28 December 2016, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.
Standardizing Malaysian vehicle registration number plate / M. R. Ruzali and G. Daimin. (2016) In: ISME Colloquium 2016 : Pengukuhan Budi Dan Jati Diri, June 2016, Tanjung Bidara Resort, Melaka.
Analisis penggunaan komik Kaifa Haluka sebagai medium mempelajari asas bahasa Arab / Mohammed Iqbal Badaruddın ...[et al.]. (2018) In: Kelantan International Learning and Innovation Exhibition (KILIEX), 15 August 2018, Dewan Profesional, UiTM Kelantan Branch.
Oral History
Transkrip temubual bersama Encik Rahiban bin Kasim bekas Pengurus Felda Chempelak mengenai pengalaman beliau sebagai Pelukis/ Penulis Khat/ Khairul Azraaf Othman & Sara Aliya Zamri. (2020) [Oral History]