Items where Subject is "Other, Including business consultants, capacity, size of industries, etc."
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1)
- H Social Sciences (1)
- HD Industries. Land use. Labor (1)
- Management. Industrial Management (3)
- Other, Including business consultants, capacity, size of industries, etc. (10)
- Management. Industrial Management (3)
- HD Industries. Land use. Labor (1)
- H Social Sciences (1)
Business Plan : Dragon Fruits / Mohd Hamdan Ab Hamid ... [et al.]. (2008) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
Co-operatives sustainability from the resource-based view perspective / Nooraslinda Abdul Aris, Norashikin Ismail and Roslani Embi. (2019) In: ICAM2019 – International Conference on Accounting and Management. Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA Puncak Alam, Selangor, p. 51. ISBN 978-967-17038-0-9
Influence of corporate governance on fees: UK evidence / Azizah Abdullah, Michael Page and Masdiah Abdul Hamid. (2012) Terengganu International Finance and Economics Journal (TIFEJ), 2 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2232-0539
ENT600: Disturbance caused by studio InTunNation studio / Ahmad Hafiz Asyraf Ahmad Halimi, Alif Syazril Shipulizan and Mohd Razin Kanaludin.
[Entrepreneurship Project]
Entrepreneurial intention of Indonesian migrant workers / Damar Aji Irawan, Abdul Qadir A Syakur and Hasan Maududi. (2019) Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship (JIBE), 4 (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 2550-1429
Perceived financial implication oftransforming conventional to shariah compliant businesses in Kelantan food industry / Emilsa Nazarih Badrol Risyam.
[Student Project]
The effect of firm size on profitability: evidence from food and beverages in Malaysia / Nurul Shafika Mohd Robani. (2018) [Student Project]
A study on the requirement, criteria and factor of university student for entering future market based on personal development scope / Asriza Saari and
Marliana Rosidey.
[Student Project]
Pro Team Designer / Anita Tontoluan ... [et al.]. (2010) [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)
First time FRS adoption among top Malaysian public listed companies / Najihah Marha Yaacob and Ayoib Che Ahmad. (2012) Terengganu International Finance and Economics Journal (TIFEJ), 2 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 2232-0539