Items where Publication is "Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies" and Year is 2024

Number of items: 11.

Consumers’ acceptance towards alcohol-based cosmetic product / Mu’az Zulkifli, Noorul Huda Sahari and Suliah Mohd Aris. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 10. pp. 1-14. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

Kefahaman ayat al-Quran dalam kalangan pelajar tahfiz = The understanding of Quranic verses among tahfiz students / Mohd Hakim Mothar Rijan, Mohd Asmadi Yakub and Ahmad Rozaini Ali Hassan. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 7. pp. 1-12. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

Keperluan mengenalpasti risiko dalam proses istibdal harta wakaf = The need to identify risks in the istibdal process of waqf assets / Farhana Mohamad Suhaimi. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 9. pp. 1-10. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

Optimising social evolution through creating welfare and product innovation of Micro Waqf Bank in Indonesia / Muhamad Fauzi ... [et al.]. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 1. pp. 1-16. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

Persepsi guru tauliah terhadap pengetahuan hadis daif: satu kajian di Negeri Melaka = Perception of certified teachers on weak hadith knowledge: a study in Melaka State / Muhammad Ashraf Shahrulail and Mohd Khafidz Soroni. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 6. pp. 1-13. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

التعليم الثانوي يف السودان بني الرؤية والتطبيق: إمكانية إستفادة السودان من التجربة املاليزية = Secondary education in Sudan between vision and implementation: the possibility of Sudan benefits from Malaysian experience / Rasha Mostafa Abdelgadir, Amiratul Munirah Yahaya and Asmaa Mohd Arshad. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 11. pp. 1-13. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

Sorotan kajian lepas: trend kesejahteraan warga emas di Malaysia dan Indonesia antara tahun 2015-2020 = Literary review: trends in the well-being of the elderly in Malaysia and Indonesia between 2015-2020 / Nurul Hidayawatie Mustaffa, Noor Shakirah Mat Akhir and Roshimah Shamsudin. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 3. pp. 1-13. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

Soroton literatur terhadap wakaf keluarga: konsep, perundangan dan isu-isu berbangkit di Malaysia = Review of literature on family waqf in Malaysia: concepts, legislation, and emerging issues / Mohd Zaidi Daud, Syed Alawi Mahdi Syed Mohamad and Siti Aisyah Samudin. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 8. pp. 1-12. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

Strategi pemasaran produk halal: kajian kes di Mokti's ice cream = Halal product marketing strategy: a case study at Mokti's ice cream / Nur Fatin Nabilah Shahrom ... [et al.]. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 5. pp. 1-10. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

A framework for risk mitigation in halal self-declaration for SMEs and MSMEs in Indonesia / Firdaus Fanny Putera Perdana and Ahmad D. Habir. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 2. pp. 1-10. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

The legal and ethical aspects of spiritual care in medical practices / Ramizah Wan Muhammad. (2024) Journal of Contempory Islamic Studies, 10 (1): 4. pp. 1-8. ISSN ISSN 2289-9634 e-ISSN 0128-0902

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