Items where Division is "Faculty of Medicine" and Year is 2021
Mechanisms of resveratrol-induced neuroprotection in rats with intracerebral hemorrhage: insight on the role of adenosine A1 receptor / Noor Azliza Wani Abd. Aziz. (2021) PhD thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Analysing the legal perspectives on mental capacity in making medical decisions in Malaysia / Inah Ja Abd. Jalil. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Developing a regulatory framework for laser and light treatments by non-medical practitioners in Malaysian beauty industry / Mohd Azran Hafiz Ahmad.
Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Evaluation of rapid molecular POCT (POCT X) for detection of influenza A/B virus and respiratory syncytial virus in comparison to multiplex PCR / Wan Azlirull Aini Ahmad Ghazali. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
The role of cuticular hydrocarbons in forensic entomology: a mini review / Meenakshi Bharti. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 76-82. ISSN 0127-984X
A retrospective study on data from animal-related complaints, abuse, cruelty, trafficking and trade received by Animal Welfare Organizations in Singapore in 2016 / Elizabeth X. Chang and Paola A. Magni. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 120-136. ISSN 0127-984X
Performance of the nanobio-based reagent for visualising wet fingerprints exposed to different levels of water salinity / Chao Wen Ting ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 33-43. ISSN 0127-984X
Effect of intraspecific larval aggregation and diet type on life-history traits of Dermestes maculatus and Dermestes caninus (Coleoptera: Dermestidae): species of forensic importance / Rodrigo C. Corrêa ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 83-89. ISSN 0127-984X
A preliminary investigation of insect succession patterns on decomposing carrion on Rottnest Island (WA) / Abrar Essarras ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 4-16. ISSN 0127-984X
Relationship between concomitant atopic diseases with atopic dermatitis severity and persistence / Goh Siew Wen ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 43-47. ISSN 0127-984X
Nutrition and water deprivation negatively impacts adult longevity of lucilia eximia (diptera: calliphoridae) / Steven M. Graham ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 44-51. ISSN 0127-984X
After the flood: a multidisciplinary investigation of human remains found in a floodplain and first record of raft spiders colonizing a corpse / Edda E. Guareschi and Paola A. Magni. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 68-75. ISSN 0127-984X
A brief review of severe asthma / Muhammad Amin Ibrahim, Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail and Mohammed Fauzi Abdul Rani. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 4-12. ISSN 0127-984X
Bypassing a separated instrument in mandibular first premolar with two canals – a case report / Mohd Nazrin Isa and Aws Hashim Ali AL-Kadhim. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 52-56. ISSN 0127-984X
Post-mortem interval estimation in a forensic case with two predatory species: Chrysomya albiceps and Synthesiomyia nudiseta / Tania Ivorra, Anabel Martínez-Sánchez and Salvador Giner Alberola. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 148-155. ISSN 0127-984X
Identification of race: a three-dimensional geometric morphometric and conventional analysis of human fourth cervical vertebrae in adult Malaysian population / Ja Young Shin ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 0127-984X
Oral health literacy and oral health status among undergraduate University students / Azlan Jaafar, Normaliza AB Malik and Aws Hashim Ali AL-Kadhim. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 13-22. ISSN 0127-984X
The association between serum and tear plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and tissue plasminogen activator in patients with diabetic retinopathy / Nurbadriah Jasmiad. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Presumed consent model for deceased organ donation in Malaysia: a comparative study / Azman Johari. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Sinonasal extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma presenting with torrential epistaxis / Siti Nor Ashiah Johari ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 65-70. ISSN 0127-984X
Larvae of forensically important flies associated with rabbit carcasses placed in a closed room in Kuching, Sarawak / Robin Maramat ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 137-147. ISSN 0127-984X
Acute mania as an essential contributor for failed extubation in an asthmatic patient: a case report / Siti Nor Fadhlina Misron, Lukmanul Hakim Misron and Ang Yit Chiang. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 48-51. ISSN 0127-984X
Quality of life following Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (MIDCABG) versus conventional open-heart coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG): a 3-year data from a single centre / Adli Azam Mohammad Razi, Muhammad ‘Abid Amir and Mohd Zamrin Dimon. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 36-42. ISSN 0127-984X
Spontaneous expulsion of a bronchial foreign body / Addina Mohd Baki ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 7 (2). pp. 37-40. ISSN 0127-984X
Associated factors of plasmodium knowlesi malaria among registered malaria cases in Terengganu, Malaysia 2011- September 2019 via Vekpro Online Database / Faizul Haris Mohd Hatta ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 23-35. ISSN 0127-984X
Pattern of P16 immunohistochemistry staining in cervical tissues / Muhammad Afif Munshi. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Kimura disease of the nose / Zalilah Musa, Abdul Razak Ismail and Irfan Mohamad. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 61-64. ISSN 0127-984X
Randomized trial to assess the efficacy of combined Stichopus horrens and Channa striatus based cleanser and moisturizer compared to Cetrimide Lotion 1% and Petrolatum in treatment of stasis eczema / Noor Shazana Mustaffa. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Effects of supervised exercise intervention on tobacco withdrawal Ssymptoms during temporary smoking abstinence / Nur-Hasanah Ruslan. (2021) PhD thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Effects of supervised moderate aerobic exercise intervention on tobacco withdrawal during temporary smoking abstinence / Nur-Hasanah Ruslan. (2021) PhD thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Rheumatoid arthritis-interstitial lung disease in a rheumatology centre in Malaysia: prevalence and its associated factors / Suhaili Shariffudin. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Trigeminal neuralgia as nonodontogenic toothache: a case report / Yoshinobu Shoji. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (2). pp. 57-60. ISSN 0127-984X
Recognizing the inherent variability in dipteran colonization and decomposition rates of human donors in Sydney, Australia / Angela D. Skopyk, Shari L. Forbes and Hélène N. LeBlanc. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 102-119. ISSN 0127-984X
Implementing mediation as an alternative medical dispute resolution method in the Malaysian public healthcare setting: a feasibility study / Nadya Izzati Soaib. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Kampus Sg. Buloh).
Depressive symptoms among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in rheumatology clinic: associated factors and willingness to seek psychiatric help / Nur Adlina Tajul Arifin. (2021) Masters thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Sitting behaviour in home working environment and its association with back pain during pandemic in Malaysia / Teh Phoey Lee ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 7 (2). pp. 10-24. ISSN 0127-984X
MPH734 : Health management / Faculty of Medicine. (2021) [Teaching Resource]
Management of the dead and missing people in the Easter bombings in Colombo, Sri Lanka / Jayanie Weeratna and Ajith Tennakoon. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 59-67. ISSN 0127-984X
Application of postmortem radiographs: advantages & disadvantages a case report / Wong Yi-Li ... [et al.]. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 52-58. ISSN 0127-984X
Effects of preservative concentrations on larval cephalopharyngeal skeleton of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), an alternative indicator to larval body length for mPMI estimation / Raja M. Zuha. (2021) Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences (JCHS), 6 (1). pp. 90-101. ISSN 0127-984X