Items where Division is "College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics" and Year is 2022
Visual framing by social movement organisation towards political participation in Malaysia: an analysis on the BERSIH Movement / Mohd Firdauz Mohd Fathir.
PhD thesis, thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
CSC116: Introduction to Computers and Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC159 - Computer Organization / College of Computing, Informatics And Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC186 - Object Oriented Programming / College of Computing, Informatics And Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC204 - Practical Approach of Operating System / College of Computing, Informatics And Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC248 - Fundementals of Data Strucutures / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC253 - Interactive Multimedia / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC264 - Introduction To Web And Mobile Application / College of Computing, Informatics And Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC510: Discrete Structures / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC520: Principles of Operating Systems / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC536: Multimedia Instructional Design / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC541: Programming Interactive Systems / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC545: Multimedia Information Retrieval / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC548: Distributed Multimedia / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC555: Software Engineering / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC562: Information Retrieval and Searching Algorithms / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC645 - Algorithm Analysis and Design / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC159: Computer Organization / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC186: Object Oriented Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC204: Practical Approach of Operating Systems / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC248: Fundamentals of Data Structures / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC253: Interactive Multimedia / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC264: Introduction to Web and Mobile Application / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC301: Visual Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC305: Programming Paradigms / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC339: Practical Training / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC401: Fundamentals of Computer Science / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC402: Programming I / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC404: Programming II / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC405: Computer Application / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC413: Introduction to Interactive Multimedia / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC415: Fundamentals of Computer Problem Solving / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC425: Introduction to Computer Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC429: Computer Organization and Architecture / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC430: Computer Programming and Applications / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC434: Computer Essentials and Applications / College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics. (2022) [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
CSC301 - Visual Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC305 - Programming Paradigms / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC339 - Practical Training / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC401 - Fundamentals of Computer Science / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC402 - Programming I / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC404 - Programming II / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC405 - Computer Application / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC413 - Introduction to Interactive Multimedia / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC415 - Fundamentals of Computer Problem Solving / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC425 - Introduction to Computer Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC429 - Computer Organization and Architecture / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC430 - Computer Programming and Applications / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC434 - Computer Essentials and Applications / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC567: Temporal Media Processing / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC569: Principles of Compilers / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC570 - XML Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC571 - Internet Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC573 - Virtual Reality / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC574 - Dynamic Web Application Development / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC575 - Software Project Management / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC577 - Software Engineering: Theories and Principles / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC584 - Enterprise Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC649 - Special Topics in Computer Science / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC658 - Computer Graphics / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC684 - Game Programming / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC728 - Machine Learning / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC729 - Advanced Multimedia Computing / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC734 - Readings in Computer Science / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC735 - Seminar in Computer Science / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC742 - Storage and Retrieval Algorithms / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC752: Advanced Algorithm & Analysis / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
CSC776: Emergent Computing Technologies / College of Computing, Informatics and Media. (2022) [Teaching Resource]
UiTM, Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat AKNC 2022 Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat: pengurusan dan pembangunan pelajar. (2022) Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). (Unpublished)