Acute effects of high intensity circuit training using body weight on body composition indices in sedentary collegiate females / Putra Asyran Naim Khaizal Ozlen

Khaizal Ozlen, Putra Asyran Naim (2023) Acute effects of high intensity circuit training using body weight on body composition indices in sedentary collegiate females / Putra Asyran Naim Khaizal Ozlen. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan.


In recent years, sedentary behaviour has grown into a global concern due to its adverse effects on overall health and well-being. High-intensity circuit training (HICT) has gained popularity to enhance health and fitness. Despite the recent popularity of this training method, however, research on the effects of high-intensity circuit training using body weight (HICTBW) on body composition in sedentary young adults remains limited. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the impact of 4-weeks HICTBW program on body composition in sedentary collegiate females. Twenty participants were randomly assigned to either a training group, which underwent multiple bodyweight exercises for four weeks, or a control group with no training. The intensity of the training increased progressively over the weeks. In week 1, 60%maxHR with 1 full circuit were conducted. In week 2 and 3, participants performed 2 full circuits at the intensity of 66%maxHR. Finally in week 4, the participants performed 3 full circuits at 68%maxHR. Body composition, including body fat percentage, fat mass, muscle mass, waist-to-hip ratio, and body mass index (BMI), was assessed before and after the intervention.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
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Khaizal Ozlen, Putra Asyran Naim
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > Higher Education > Dissertations, Academic. Preparation of theses
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Seremban Campus
Programme: Bachelor of Sports Science
Keywords: High intensity circuit training, body weight, body composition indices, collegiate females
Date: 2023
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