Food hygiene's knowledge, attitudes and practices between urban and suburban adolescents / Nur Syakira Awang Teh

Awang Teh, Nur Syakira (2019) Food hygiene's knowledge, attitudes and practices between urban and suburban adolescents / Nur Syakira Awang Teh. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).


Food poisoning cases was increase yearly, both in developed and undeveloped country. Every year, a lot of people worldwide were suffered from food borne illnesses. Besides, in Malaysia, the number of foods borne illnesses had increase from 1999 until 2012. Most of the cases occurred in education and learning institution such school canteen, dining hall and hostels. The Dewan Rakyat of Malaysia reported that 9,777of poisoning cases across the country from January to September 2012. This research was attempted to study the impacts of parental influences, socio-environmental and food safety knowledge towards the food hygiene practices between urban and suburban adolescents. Besides, this study also to assess the level of the practice and knowledge towards the food hygiene practices between Shah Alam and Puncak Alam adolescents. The survey was conducted by using mixed method includes quantitative and qualitative method. For quantitative method, questionnaire was given questionnaire to the respondent from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Puncak Alam for the suburban area and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah for the urban area and for the qualitative methods, interviews were conducted for five students from each school. The result showed that parental influences, socio environmental had positive impact on food hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices among urban and suburban adolescents. Correlation analysis has been conducted that shows that suburban adolescents had higher knowledge, attitudes and practices of food hygiene compared to urban adolescents. The results of the analysis are presented such that they can be used for the future study..


Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
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Awang Teh, Nur Syakira
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Thesis advisor
Md Nor, Norazmir
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Health Sciences
Programme: Master of Health Sciences (Nutrition)- HS766
Keywords: food, poisoning, suburban
Date: 2019
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