How effective cooking planning application among UiTM campus Alor Gajah students / Nur Afiqah Sapian

Sapian, Nur Afiqah (2023) How effective cooking planning application among UiTM campus Alor Gajah students / Nur Afiqah Sapian. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.


Budget Cooking Planning is a mobile application designed to cater to the culinary needs of students who are on a tight budget. With the rising costs of living and limited financial resources, many students struggle to strike a balance between nutritious eating and budget constraints. The primary objective of Budget Bites is to provide an accessible and user-friendly platform for students to discover, plan, and prepare cost-effective, and delicious and easy meals. At the core of the application is an extensive database of affordable recipes, carefully curated and categorized to suit various dietary preferences and restrictions. From quick and simple meals such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Budget Cooking Planning offers a wide range of budget-friendly recipes that incorporate affordable ingredients readily available at local grocery stores or markets. A smart shopping list is generated by the app based on selected recipes and the user's budget. This list lists the necessary ingredients and may suggest alternatives to meet the student's preferences in cooking a simple and inexpensive menu, thereby optimizing the budget-conscious cooking experience. In addition to its practical features, Budget Cooking Planning also provides detailed price information for each recipe ingredient. This empowers students to make easier and faster choices while maintaining a daily spending limit, to ensure their budget is not compromised in terms of nutrition. In conclusion, Budget Cooking Planning seeks to revolutionize the way students approach cooking on a limited budget. By providing a variety of budget-conscious recipes and tools, the app empowers students to make informed and frugal choices while developing their culinary skills. Ultimately, Budget Cooking Planning aims to improve students' overall well-being and financial stability, making their journey through higher education more enjoyable and manageable.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
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Sapian, Nur Afiqah
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Mohd Omar, Mohd Hanif
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HG Finance
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka > Alor Gajah Campus > Faculty of Art and Design
Programme: Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Graphic Design (AD241)
Keywords: Budget cooking planning; Mobile application; Financial planning
Date: 2023
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