A study on the good practice of jump roping / Najwan Tarmizi Mustapha Kamal

Mustapha Kamal, Najwan Tarmizi (2023) A study on the good practice of jump roping / Najwan Tarmizi Mustapha Kamal. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka.


Dealing with injuries is never a pleasant process. You've put in the effort, and you're starting to see results, but then you hurt yourself. The pain in your ankle becomes unbearably acute. Alternatively, you may realize that jumping causes pain in your shins. It's conceivable that your current level of discomfort is preventing you from making any improvement. It is easy to believe that all of your hard-won achievements are slipping away. The bulk of us have suffered at least one injury while pursuing our fitness ambitions. There are times when it seemed almost inescapable. Jumping rope can put you at risk for shin splints and other injuries, but there are precautions you can do to minimize your risk and protect yourself. While working towards your fitness objectives, it's critical to evaluate how you can do so without jeopardizing your health or safety. The researcher focuses on university students between the ages of 18 and 25. The goal of this research is to discover the benefits and drawbacks of jumping rope. Also, to know or look for the proper method to jump rope, as well as to construct a guideline for delivering information about the proper way to jump rope. The quantitative technique is being employed in this study excellently, which includes conducting a survey and distributing questionnaires to 50 university students. The findings of this research will be used to develop an application for university students titled "A Study on The Good Practice of Jump Roping. This research will discover successful applications, resulting in a better life for university students.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
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Mustapha Kamal, Najwan Tarmizi
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Amin Nudin, Anith Liyana
Subjects: Q Science > QP Physiology
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka > Alor Gajah Campus > Faculty of Art and Design
Programme: Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Graphic Design (AD241)
Keywords: Jumping rope; Technique; Injuries
Date: 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/88890
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