Effect of land surface temperature to nitrogen dioxide concentration using Sentinel – 5P in Peninsular Malaysia / Noraisah Hazman

Hazman, Noraisah (2023) Effect of land surface temperature to nitrogen dioxide concentration using Sentinel – 5P in Peninsular Malaysia / Noraisah Hazman. [Student Project] (Submitted)


Air of cities especially in the developing parts of the world is turning into a serious environmental interest. The complicated combination of harmful chemicals’ dispersion and emission from factories is what causes the air pollution. Air pollution caused due to the introduction of dust particles, gases and smoke into the atmosphere exceeds the air quality levels. Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) is a highly poisonous gas. Air pollutants are the precursor of photochemical smog and acid rain that causes the asthmatic problems leading into serious illness of lung cancer, dull headache, depletes the stratospheric ozone and contributes in global warming. In the present industrial economy era, air pollution is an unavoidable product that cannot be completely removed but stern actions can reduce it. The objectives of this study to determine nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) and LST and to analyze the relationship of nitrogen dioxide with temperature in peninsular, Malaysia. Pollution can be multiple sources of air pollution, which are industries, fossil fuels, agro – waste and vehicular emissions. The method of this study using Sentinel – 5 Precursor and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The action to reduce the severity are necessary to reduce the threat of air pollution using the various applicable technologies like CO₂ sequestering, industrial energy efficiency, improving the combustion processes of the vehicular engines and reducing the gas production form agriculture cultivations.


Item Type: Student Project
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Hazman, Noraisah
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > Geomatics
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying
Programme: Bachelor of Surveying Science and Geomatics (Hons.)
Keywords: Air pollution, land surface temperature, nitrogen dioxide concentration, Sentinel – 5P
Date: August 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/87888
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