The trust issue in cloud storage security / Sufian Musa

Musa, Sufian (2018) The trust issue in cloud storage security / Sufian Musa. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).


Nowadays, cloud storage has been widely used around the world. It is convenient and user-friendly that attract many users to utilize the service in various devices. However, concerns on its security issues still persist. The issue is mainly associated with security issues experienced by the cloud providers itself or by the cloud users. Problem with cloud storage security really affect the level of users' trust from adopting the technology. Hence, a survey is conducted by spread a set of questionnaire to evaluate whether the proposed factors from the research model can help to measure the level of users' trust in adopting cloud storage. Three objectives were aligned in this research. The first objective is to identify dominant factors that can help users to gain trust in adopting cloud storage technology. The second objective is to identify the common security issue faced by the cloud storage users and how it affects the level of users' trust, and the last objective is to identify the solution to the cloud storage security issues. As for the result, the perceived ease-of-use became the most dominant factor. The findings obtained from the evaluation shows that the level of user trust towards cloud storage is still acceptable. Respondents agreed that the CSP provide sufficient security for cloud storage service and users will continue to use cloud storage in the future


Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Email / ID Num.
Musa, Sufian
Email / ID Num.
Thesis advisor
Abdul Majid, Rogayah
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Programme: Master of Science in Information Technology -CS770
Keywords: Cloud storage, security, privacy,
Date: 2018
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