Design, fabrication and analysis of automatic cat feeder / Nur Fatihah Mohd Zainuddin

Mohd Zainuddin, Nur Fatihah (2023) Design, fabrication and analysis of automatic cat feeder / Nur Fatihah Mohd Zainuddin. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


Automatic cat feeder is a project that target is to owner who has cats. People enjoy providing food and water to cats, but they frequently leave it on the floor or on the road. It appears to be done manually. Food and water become unsafe for cats to eat because of bug or contaminated environments. Cats are exposed to numerous infections because of abandoned food in this situation. Sometimes, the cat’s owner is busy with their work and do not have at home. The objectives to design an auto cat feeder with several function such as a bowl to put in food and glass bowl with pump and injector to put in water. Next, to analyze how an automatic cat feeder functions in the daytime with timer. Automatic cat feeder will fabricate wall and door using aluminum composite panel (ACP) and acrylic board. It has 3 parts which is food part, wire part and drink part. The total size is 600mm x 800mm x 200mm. In the food part, it has food bottle made from plastic and container from ACP. In the wire part it has motor and timer. Finally, in the drink part it has water bowl (stainless steel) and injector (straw rode). The rotation is made from impraboard. The expected result for this product is an automatic cat feeder can function well automatically. Lastly, the product provides a chance to cat lovers or people out there to give food and drinks to cats in a sterile environment. Automatic cat feeder is a product that contains food and drink for cats. It has 3 parts which is food part, wire part and drink part. The material used to make this product is ACP, stainless steel, plastic. The total size is 600mm x 800mm x 200mm. It is use timer, motor and pump. Due to the cat’s owner who is busy with their works and does not have so much times to feed their cat, can use this auto cat feeder to save their times. The uses of timer can arrange their times by setting up while the pump is used to moves fluids. It is done by converted electrical energy inti hydraulic energy. The drink part is looking like water fountain for cats while the food part use rotation that can rotate the food within the setup timer. This project intends to design, analysis and fabricate auto cat feeder that consume less power, food, water and time than feed the cat manually. This product expected can function well automatically. Lastly, the product provides a chance to cat lovers or people out there to give food and drinks to cats in a sterile environment.


Item Type: Student Project
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Mohd Zainuddin, Nur Fatihah
Email / ID Num.
Rusli, Ahmad Najmie
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > Control engineering systems. Automatic machinery (General)
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > Machine design and drawing
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Johor > Pasir Gudang Campus > Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Programme: Diploma In Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: Cat feeder, Automatic control
Date: 2023
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