Battery chargers with parallel loaded resonant converters / Mohd Hafiz Hishammuddin

Hishammuddin, Mohd Hafiz (2010) Battery chargers with parallel loaded resonant converters / Mohd Hafiz Hishammuddin. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).


This research presents the study conducted on parallel - loaded resonant (PLR) converters for battery charging application to improve the performance of traditional switching - mode charger circuits. Transistor of direct current (DC), DC - DC converters which employ a resonant circuit are described. A resonant circuit is driven with square - waves of current or voltage, and by adjusting the frequency around the resonant point. The voltage on the resonant components can be adjusted to any practical voltage level. By rectifying the voltage across the resonant elements, a DC voltage is obtained which can be either higher or lower than the input DC voltage to the converter. Thus, the converter can be operated either the step - up or step - down mode. In addition, switch losses in the inverter devices and rectifiers are extremely low due to the sine waves that occur from the use of the resonant circuit. The charging voltage can be regulated by varying the switching frequency that was set at continuous conduction mode (CCM). The simulation is done to investigate the performance of the charger circuit with PLR converters and present small - sized also cost - effective switched mode converter for battery charger, 12V - 48Ah battery. The simulation is done by using Power Simulation (PSIM) engineering software to obtain the satisfaction performance of battery charger using PLR converter.


Item Type: Thesis (Degree)
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Hishammuddin, Mohd Hafiz
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Thesis advisor
Seroji, Mohammad Nawawi
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Programme: Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Electric
Keywords: PLR, battery, voltage
Date: 2010
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