Cordless vacuum cleaner / Siti Nor Shamimi Saaidin

Saaidin, Siti Nor Shamimi (2021) Cordless vacuum cleaner / Siti Nor Shamimi Saaidin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)


Philips Malaysia is a healthcare, lighting, and consumer electronics company. In this study, I was given an opportunity to do an analysis on this company that manufactured the same product that I was interested in to give some recommendations. Even though this company has many product lines, I would like to focus on household products which are cordless vacuum cleaners. The name of the product that I want to develop is Philips SpeedPro Cordless Stick vacuum cleaner. Besides, I have done the analysis on Philips company in order to determine their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats or SWOT analysis. Based on that analysis, there are a few major weaknesses that I have been analyzed which are the product is expensive, it takes a long charging time, has a short length of the stick and short battery lifespan. These weaknesses give me the idea to improve the existing product to overcome those issues. I recommend of increase the battery capacity of the vacuum cleaner, giving an additional battery of vacuum cleaner, turn the cordless vacuum cleaner with the 2-in-1 that have been added with a floor mop. I also recommend adding a magnet on top so that consumer can arrange their cordless vacuum cleaner without a mess. If this recommendation and improvement can be considered, this vacuum cleaner can be one of the products that can increase the Philips company’s sales as it is can be differentiated from other competitors.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
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Saaidin, Siti Nor Shamimi
Email / ID Num.
Azizan, Farah Lina
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Philips, vacuum cleaner
Date: 2021
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