Philips avent fast bottle warmer / Ismahani Huda Ismail

Ismail, Ismahani Huda (2021) Philips avent fast bottle warmer / Ismahani Huda Ismail. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)


The case study is focusing on evaluation of Philips company and its products. This case study is very important because it can be used to help the company or others to create innovations towards the chosen products. To generate ideas for creating new inventions, I need to analyse the company's background. The problems occur while they market and sell the products. The company also already did not produce the product anymore but there are many potential and opportunities that can make this product a bestseller in market because of the brand of the product and loyalty of customers towards the company’s products. I am using document review and observation as my method to collect the information from the company since the current situation of covid-19, makes it difficult to interview the company by phone call or having face-to-face interview sessions. Based on the findings and discussion, the problems of the products are the higher price of raw materials and problems regarding the time setting and temperature of the products. To overcome the problems, few suggested solutions can be addressed as using good quality of raw materials with the cheapest price and adding cooling and warming control settings to make sure the temperature of products maintain at the suitable degree. Based on these suggested solutions, I would like to develop a thermos which is suitable for baby use and the products have cooling and warming functions to make it suitable for keeping infant foods and milk.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Ismail, Ismahani Huda
Email / ID Num.
Azizan, Farah Lina
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis > Arau Campus > Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Philips, bottle warmer
Date: 2021
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