Portable fresh coconut milk extractor for small and medium industries (SMI) / Ahmad Syahmi Yusneta

Yusneta, Ahmad Syahmi (2023) Portable fresh coconut milk extractor for small and medium industries (SMI) / Ahmad Syahmi Yusneta. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


A coconut milk extractor is a machine that extracts coconut milk from fresh coconuts. In today's world, it's becoming a viable alternative to the traditional extraction process. This approach is more dependable in terms of processing time, hygiene, and safety, and it needs fewer processing steps. The process of designing, fabricating, and analyzing a portable mockup model coconut milk extractor is presented in this thesis. Busy urban society, particularly working women, and Small and Medium Industries are the target population and prospective clients (SMI). The project's goal is to make a machine that is smaller and less expensive than those already in use in this sector. The machine prototype is built with material availability and fabrication utilities in mind. The prototype's final testing and performance, such as the amount of coconut milk that can be extracted and the prototype's efficiency, are measured. The design is believed to be able to extract a substantial volume of coconut milk while also acting as a user friendly kitchen gadget, therefore competing with other devices currently on the market.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Yusneta, Ahmad Syahmi
Email / ID Num.
Rusli, Ahmad Najmie
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > Agricultural machinery. Farm machinery
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > Machine design and drawing
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Johor > Pasir Gudang Campus > Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Programme: Diploma Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: Coconut milk extractor, Machine, Portable
Date: 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/83386
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