Reconstruction of Katakana character by using Bezier curve and Said-Ball curve / Nur Dini Huda Rosgi, Nurhanani Sofiya Mohamad Arif and Faris Nor Azmi

Rosgi, Nur Dini Huda and Mohamad Arif, Nurhanani Sofiya and Nor Azmi, Faris (2023) Reconstruction of Katakana character by using Bezier curve and Said-Ball curve / Nur Dini Huda Rosgi, Nurhanani Sofiya Mohamad Arif and Faris Nor Azmi. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


This paper presents computation of Bezier and Said-Ball curve on MATLAB by using degree four to degree eight. Bezier curve have been used as the foundation of curve representation for the longest time when compared to others. In addition, using a single Bezier curve to represent a complex shape requires a higher order Bezier curve, and the calculation of the corresponding control point is also quite computationally expensive. To reduce this overhead, we used compound Bezier curves to represent complex shapes, divided the entire shape into segments and represented each individually with a Bezier curve. First, the feature points of the Katakana characters were located on the graph paper. Then, it is derived on the MATLAB, which then automatically generates the stroke of the Katakana characters. Based on the obtained results, the Bezier curve looks nicer than the Said-Ball curve method. This is due to the curve on Bezier is more defined compared to Said-Ball. Also, when the degree increases, the easier and smooth the construction of Katakana characters because the curve will be combined. When using lower degree, the characters need to be parted into different section. So, the lower the degree, the more the sections need to be parted. Hence, it can be concluded that the higher the degree, the easier the construction of the curve. This is because higher degree requires less partition of section. The result of this study will be useful for evaluating the perfect degree of point to use in achieving desired characters using Bezier curves. Mathematician can generate curves that appear reasonably smooth across all scales for future work.


Item Type: Student Project
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Rosgi, Nur Dini Huda
Mohamad Arif, Nurhanani Sofiya
Nor Azmi, Faris
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > Mathematical statistics. Probabilities
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Seremban Campus
Programme: Bachelor of Science (Hons.) (Mathematics)
Keywords: Katakana, Bezier, Said-Ball, MATLAB
Date: 2023
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