Food waste is a constant battle in our community / Khadijah Suria

Suria, Khadijah (2023) Food waste is a constant battle in our community / Khadijah Suria. Bulletin. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan.


I'm always curious about food waste, especially during Ramadan, when we have the Ramadan bazaar, iftar programme, and food drives. This issue has been raised year after year, and the waste has increased yearly. People frequently overspend on Iftar. Some food, however, ended up in the trash. Furthermore, food bazaar vendors often prepare more than is required, resulting in food waste. Some may argue that there was no food waste, as the vendors donated the excess food to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mosques, or welfare centres. However, when the vendors delivered the food after Iftar, most organizations had prepared their meals or had broken their fast. Thus, resulting in excess food in the organization ends. Furthermore, individuals and companies also donate food during Ramadan. The organization may receive more than one food donation in a day. They are hesitant to say no or reject food donations because they fear that if they decline the offer, people will stop donating food to them.


Item Type: Monograph (Bulletin)
Email / ID Num.
Suria, Khadijah
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General) > Collections of general literature
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Kuala Pilah Campus
Journal or Publication Title: Epitome of Nature (EON)
ISSN: 2773-5869
Keywords: Food waste, Ramadan, food bazaar vendors, non-governmental organizations
Date: June 2023
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