Development of biochar: pyrolysis from coconut shell / Muhammad Hafiz Firdaus Salnonjunaidi

Salnonjunaidi, Muhammad Hafiz Firdaus (2023) Development of biochar: pyrolysis from coconut shell / Muhammad Hafiz Firdaus Salnonjunaidi. [Student Project] (Submitted)


The term "biochar" describes a type of charcoal made from organic material, usually leftover food, forestry byproducts, or agricultural waste. Pyrolysis, a process that includes heating organic material without oxygen to produce a carbon-rich substance, is how biochar is made. Due to its potential advantages in terms of sustainability and environmental preservation, biochar has drawn attention recently. For instance, it has been demonstrated to have advantageous impacts on soil fertility, including better nutrient availability and greater water retention. By storing carbon in soil for hundreds or even thousands of years and lowering the quantity of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, biochar can also assist to slow down climate change. Biochar has a variety of potential use beyond its advantages for soil and the environment, such as as a fuel source, a water purification filter, and an ingredient in the manufacture of fertilisers and other agricultural goods. Even though biochar has many potential advantages, there is still much that is unknown about it, including the ideal circumstances for its creation, the best techniques for putting it into soil, and the long-term effects of employing biochar in farming and other applications. To fully appreciate the potential of this fascinating substance and to decide how to effectively utilise its advantages for the benefit of the environment and human health, more research is required. Despite these doubts, the use of biochar is gaining ground quickly as a way to enhance soil quality and lessen the effects of climate change.


Item Type: Student Project
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Salnonjunaidi, Muhammad Hafiz Firdaus
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Thesis advisor
Mustaffa, Ahmad Rozaimee
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry > Organic chemistry > Biochemistry
Q Science > QD Chemistry > Physical and theoretical chemistry
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu > Dungun Campus > Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Programme: Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Biochar ; Organic Material ; Agricultural Waste
Date: 2023
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