Jam Slices / Nur Idha Natasya Mohd Noor

Mohd Noor, Nur Idha Natasya and Azhar, Fatin Nazura and Ahmad Raji, Aida Rasyidah and Yusof, Nur Syazwani and Mohd Rizzuan, Nur Faranisya (2023) Jam Slices / Nur Idha Natasya Mohd Noor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The establishment of Delislices are based on conformity with the main interest in innovation of jam products in the marketplace, by manufacturing of jam slice products that may solve several of problems faced by consumers. This product pioneered a unique and a brand new form of jam product unlike the previous common jams that have been widely enterprises in the market. We aimed to ensure that the product is usable for a neat, time saving, easy and tidy meal preparation especially during breakfast. The initial process of product development is by performing a highly comprehensive study in order to understand the market needs and target market for the product commercialization. The activities include idea brainstorming and screening among the top managers, building an appropriate business model canvas and as well as SWOT analysis. Our product has a reliably large target variety of target market which includes parents, or generally families, especially working moms, students, travellers, and working people since we are aware of the time constraint problems among this group of people. This is because this jam slice may significantly provide better time saving for the meal preparation as well as a great product value since it offers an easy handling packaging as a ready to eat food product at any time and anywhere. Furthermore, our company also has identified strategies needed in order to penetrate in the market as a preparation for long term product security. For instance, we have learned and planned a necessary market sales and share, possible competitors and as well as marketing strategies specifically for the product growth. Besides, financial estimation plans play an important role in adjusting and calculating the possible overall cost required for running the business. Financial planning decreases the risks associated with fluctuating market trends, which can be managed with sufficient funds.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Mohd Noor, Nur Idha Natasya
Azhar, Fatin Nazura
Ahmad Raji, Aida Rasyidah
Yusof, Nur Syazwani
Mohd Rizzuan, Nur Faranisya
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Kuala Pilah Campus > Faculty of Applied Sciences
Keywords: Delislices, Jam Slices, food product,
Date: 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/79476
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